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ASI WIND NYC WORKSHOP @ THE BARROW GROUP, FEBRUARY 6th 12:00-6:00pm. Limited Attendants.


The Barrow Group
520 8th Ave, #901

Studio 2
New York, NY 10018


Asi Wind rarely conducts workshops because he spends most of his time performing worldwide. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn from one of the world’s greatest magicians.


In this workshop, you will have the chance to discover both old and new creations by Asi, some of which have never been published. He will also dedicate time to explain his unique approach to improvised magic.


The first part of the workshop will focus on getting to know the attendees and their specific interests, allowing Asi to tailor the experience to meet the needs of the group. In the final portion, participants will be invited to perform a piece they are working on and receive personalized feedback from Asi.


The material covered is suitable for close-up magic, parlor settings, and mentalism. Asi is renowned for his generosity with both his time and knowledge. In addition to teaching magic techniques, he will share insights into his creative process and the thought behind his creations, along with an in-depth discussion on enhancing your magic through showmanship.


For those who want to perform a piece at the workshop, please send a request prior to the workshop at

Asi Wind NYC Workshop — 2.6.25

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